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Don’t Throw Away Wood Ash

Most people throw wood stove and fireplace ashes into the trash, but here are a few exciting and practical ways to put these to good use in and around your home.

recycling wood ash for gardening in New Hampton NHGardening and Soil Amendment

One of the most popular uses for wood ash is in the garden. Wood ash is rich in potassium, an essential nutrient for plants. Ash can increase the pH of acidic soils and act as a natural liming material. However, it’s important to test your soil’s pH before adding ash because too high an alkaline content can kill plants.

Pest Control

Wood ash is a natural pest repellent. Sprinkling ash around the garden beds can keep slugs and snails away because they don’t like the gritty, dry texture. This method is a natural, non-toxic alternative to chemicals, making it safer for the environment and the beneficial insects you want in the garden.

Natural Cleaning Agent

You wouldn’t think it, but wood ash is a great cleaning agent. Many people use it to polish silverware, glass, and cloudy headlights because it’s mildly abrasive and cleans without scratching. If you add water, turning it into a paste, you can use it throughout the home.

Odor Control

Wood ash helps absorb odors. Place a small bowl of ash in the refrigerator, bathroom, or any area notorious for unpleasant odors. Additionally, you can sprinkle some in the bottom of your trash cans to keep them smelling fresher.

Ice Melt and Traction

Wood ash can melt ice during winter and give traction on slippery surfaces. The dark color absorbs sunlight, melting ice faster, and the gritty texture can prevent slips and falls.

Compost Enrichment

Adding wood ash to your compost pile will enhance its nutrients by introducing potassium and raising the pH level for a more balanced compost. However, be careful to use it sparingly because too much can disrupt the composting process.

Animal Care

Farmers have long used wood ash to care for animals by mixing it into dust baths to help control parasites. It’s a natural way to keep mites and lice at bay without resorting to chemicals.

natural soaps made with ash from your fireplace in Moultonborough NH

Soap Making

Historically, wood ash has been a key ingredient in soap making. Lye, a necessary component in traditional soap making, is derived from leeching water through wood ash. This soap-making method is an excellent way to turn waste into a useful product.

Arts and Crafts

If you or someone in the family is creative, you can use wood ash in pottery glazing or as a pigment in paint. The unique texture and color can create interesting effects in various art mediums.

Wood ash is incredibly versatile. From garden care to household cleaning, pest control, and even art projects, these ashes can be repurposed in numerous ways. Recycling ash reduces waste and promotes a sustainable approach to using natural byproducts. The next time you clean out your wood stove or fireplace, think twice before discarding the ashes; they might be the solution for your garden, cleaning, or next DIY project.

If you’re interested in more fireplace or wood stove tips or need a professional, certified chimney sweep, call the experts at Fire N’ Stone. We’re Tilton, NH’s most trusted fireplace, chimney, and custom stone company. Contact us today at 603-293-4040.